Chinese and Foreign Monographs
Author(s) Book Title Publication Info
Ju Deyuan Arguments about the Sovereignty of Diaoyu Dao 1st edition by Capital Normal University Press, May 2001
Ju Deyuan The Truth about Diaoyu Dao 1st edition by Kunlun Press, January 2006
Zheng Hailin History and Legal Studies on Diaoyu Dao 1st edition by Zhonghua Book Company, April 2007
Wu Tianying China’s Jurisdiction over Diaoyu Dao and its Affiliated Islands before the First Sino-Japanese War 1st edition by Democracy and Law Press of China, June 2013
Inoue Kiyoshi (Japan) The History and Sovereignty of Diaoyu Dao 1st edition by New Star Press, February 2013
Murata Tadayoshi(Japan) Diaoyu Dao in Historical Files 1st edition by Social Sciences Academic Press (China), October 2013



Author(s) ???????Essay Title Publication Info
Lu Yiran Historical Materials Prove Diaoyu Dao and its Affiliated Islands Belong to China Issue 6 of Research on the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, 1996
Liu Jiangyong Research on the Sovereignty of Diaoyu Dao Issue 6 of Japanese Studies, 1996
Wu Tianying Historical Evidence on Japan Grabbing Diaoyu Dao from China — Questions to Professor Okuhara Minwoong Issue 2 of Research on the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, 1998
Mi Qingyu Research on the Sovereignty of Diaoyu Dao and Its Affiliated Islands — Starts from Records of the Imperial Title-Conferring Envoys to Ryukyu (Shi Liu Qiu Lu) by Chen Kan Issue 3 of Historical Research, 2002
Zheng Hailin Analysis of the Sovereignty of Diaoyu Dao in Terms of Historical and International Laws Issue 4 of China's Borderland History and Geography Studies, 2011
Li Li Japanese Inspection of Diaoyu Dao in Modern Times and How Japan “Stole” Diaoyu Dao from China Issue 4 of China's Borderland History and Geography Studies, 2012
Jin Yongming Japan’s Mistaken Basics of the Sovereignty of Diaoyu Dao Issue 5 of Oriental Law, 2012
Li Li Role of the U.S. in the Issue of the Diaoyu Dao Issue 6 of Journal of Tsinghua University (Philosophy and Social Science), 2012
Zhang Weibin Analysis of the Sovereignty of Diaoyu Dao and Its Affiliated Islands and Related Evidence — Based on Research of Opinions from Japanese Academia and Public Issue 6 of Oriental Law, 2012
Hu Dekun?& Han Yongli Treaty of San Francisco and Japan’s Territory Issues Issue 11 of Contemporary International Relations, 2012
Zheng Hailin The Sovereignty of Diaoyu Dao Recorded in Chinese and Foreign Maps and Books Issue 12 of Pacific Journal, 2012
Hou Yi Research on the History of the Backroom Deals between Japan and the United States over Diaoyu Dao and Its Affiliated Islands Issue 12 of Pacific Journal, 2012
Xu Bin Xu Baoguang’s Records of Messages from Chong-shan and Research on the Historical Sovereignty of Diaoyu Dao Issue 12 of Pacific Journal, 2012
Liu Dan Research on International Laws about Ryukyu’s Trusteeship and the Sovereignty of Diaoyu Dao Issue 12 of Pacific Journal, 2012
Han Zhaoqing History of Diaoyu Dao and Its Affiliated Islands Demonstrated by European Maps of China before the First Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895) Issue 1 of Fudan University Journal, 2013
Huang Ying & Xie Bizhen Source of Ryukyuan People’s Knowledge about Diaoyu Dao Issue 1 of Maritime History Studies, 2013
Ivy Lee Competing Claims to the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands under International Law: A Critical Evaluation Issue 2 of China Oceans Law Review, 2013, Chinese & English edition
Ivy Lee Competing Claims to the Diaoyu/SenkakuIslands under International Law:A Critica Evaluation Issue 2 of China Oceans Law Review, 2013, Chinese & English edition
Liu Jiangyong Facts Speak Louder than Words: Diaoyu Dao and its Affiliated Islands Belong to China – In Response to One Japanese Scholar’s Fallacy Issue 4 of Japanese Studies, 2013
Qu Bo Research on the Sovereignty of Diaoyu Dao from the Perspective of Treaties Issue 4 of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies, 2013
Zhang Lei Discussion on Japan’s “Valid Jurisdiction” over Diaoyu Dao Issue 4 of China's Borderland History and Geography Studies, 2013
Huang Shixi Application of Related Treaties on the Sovereignty of Diaoyu Dao and its Affiliated Islands Issue 4 of Foreign Affairs Review, 2013
Jin Yongming Analysis on International Laws Protecting China’s Jurisdiction over Diaoyu Dao Issue 5 of Contemporary Law Review, 2013
Han Jiegen Research on the Sovereignty of Diaoyu by Analyzing Island Names such as Kume in Ryukyuan Language Issue 5 of Fudan University Journal (Social Sciences), 2013
Qiao Linsheng On Consensus to “Shelve Disputes” over Diaoyu Dao Issue Issue 6 of International Forum, 2013
Xu Yongzhi The Absurdity of Japan's Claim overthe Diaoyu Islands Issue 6 of Contemporary International Relations (English Edition), 2013
Zheng Hailin Analysis of Treaties Related to Diaoyu Dao – In Response to “Senkaku Islands Views” of the Foreign Ministry of Japan Issue 7 of Pacific Journal, 2013
Liu Jiangyong Reasons behind the Fact that Diaoyu Dao Belongs to China and Criticism of Flaws in Historical and Legal Basis Proposed by Ozaki Shigeyoshi Issue 7 of Pacific Journal, 2013
Xie Bizhen Analysis of the Sovereignty of Diaoyu Dao in Terms of Historical Documents of China and Ryukyu Issue 7 of Pacific Journal, 2013
Li Guoqiang Analysis of Issues on the Sovereignty of Diaoyu Dao Issue 7 of Pacific Journal, 2013
Xu Bin Nautical Practices of People of Fujian Province, China and the Sovereignty of Diaoyu Dao Issue 7 of Pacific Journal, 2013
Wang Keju Ex Injuria Jus Non Oritur Issue 7 of Pacific Journal, 2013
Xu Yongzhi Historical Documents such as Maps Prove the Absurdity of Japan’s Claim to Diaoyu Dao Issue 8 of International Study Reference, 2013
Wang Junmin Key Dates in International Laws as Evidence of China’s Jurisdiction over Diaoyu Dao Issue 11 of Pacific Journal, 2013
Hu Dekun & Yan Zilong Is Diaoyu Dao Japan’s Inherent Territory? Commentary on The Origins of the Japan-China Territorial Issue by Murata Tadayoshi Issue 11 of Contemporary International Relations, 2013
Hu Dekun & Yan Zilong Is the Diaoyu Islands Japan's InherentTerritory? A Comment on The Originsof the Japan-China Territorial Issueby Murata Tadayoshi Issue 1 of Contemporary International Relations (English Edition), 2014
Liu Tinghua The Cairo Declaration and Diaoyu Dao Issue 1 of The History of Japanese Invasion of China Studies, 2014
Zhang Puding Analysis of Treaties Related to Diaoyu Dao Dispute between China and Japan Issue 2 of Hebei Law, 2014
Liu Jiangyong Research on China’s Discovery, Naming and Possession of Diaoyu Dao Issue 4 of Pacific Journal, 2014
Wang Junmin Evolution of the Ryukyu Issue and the Sovereignty of Diaoyu Dao Issue 4 of Pacific Journal, 2014



News Reports
Author(s) Title Publication Info
Zhong Yan The Sovereignty of Diaoyu Dao People’s Daily, October 18, 1996
Guo Jiping How Can China Tolerate the Reckless ‘Buying and Selling’ of Diaoyu Dao? People’s Daily, September 11, 2012
Zhong Sheng Japan’s “Preemptive Rights” Is Actually Illegal Occupation People’s Daily, September 11, 2012
Zhong Sheng Truth about Diaoyu Dao Disputes (I) – Japan’s Illegal Occupation of Diaoyu Dao People’s Daily, October 16, 2012
Zhong Sheng Truth about Diaoyu Dao Disputes (II) – Japan’s Underhanded Behavior People’s Daily, October 17, 2012
Zhong Sheng Truth about Diaoyu Dao Disputes (III) – No Denial of the Outcome of World War II People’s Daily, October 18, 2012
Zhong Sheng Truth about Diaoyu Dao Disputes (IV) – How Can Treaty of San Francisco Be Evidence? People’s Daily, October 19, 2012
Zhong Sheng Truth about Diaoyu Dao Disputes (V) – Japan Must Pay the Consequences for Reckless Behavior? People’s Daily, October 22, 2012
Zhang Haipeng & Li Guoqiang The Treaty of Shimonoseki and Diaoyu Dao Issue People’s Daily, May 8, 2013
Li Guoqiang & Hou Yi Diaoyu Dao and Its Adjacent Waters Have Been Part of the Chinese Territory since Ancient Times People’s Daily, May 10, 2013